On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 7:41 PM, David chen <c77...@163.com> wrote:

> A RegionServer was killed because OutOfMemory(OOM), although  the process
> killed can be seen in the Linux message log, but i still have two following
> problems:
> 1. How to inspect the root reason to cause OOM?

Start the regionserver with -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError specifying a
location for the heap to be dumped to on OOME (See
Remove the XX:OnOutOfMemoryError because now it will conflict with
 Then open the heap dump in the java mission control, jprofiler, etc., to
see how the retained objects are associated.

> 2  When RegionServer encounters OOM, why can't it free some memories
> occupied? if so, whether or not killer will not need.

We require a certain amount of memory to process a particular work load. If
an insufficient allocation, we OOME. Once an application has OOME'd, its
state goes indeterminate. We opt to kill the process rather than hang
around in a damaged state.

Enable GC logging to figure why in particular you OOME'd (There are
different categories of OOME [1]). We may have a sufficient memory
allocation but an incorrectly tuned GC or a badly specified set of heap
args may bring on OOME.


> Any ideas can be appreciated!

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