Thanks for the feedback. We already disabled automatic major compaction,
looks like we have to do the same for auto-splitting.


On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 3:26 PM, Vladimir Rodionov <>

> Every split results in major compactions for both daughter regions.
> Concurrent major compactions across a cluster is bad.
> I recommend you to set DisabledRegionSplitPolicy on your table(s) and run
> splits manually - you will have control on what and when should be split.
> The same is true for major compactions: disable periodic major compactions
> and run them manually.
> -Vlad
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 8:27 AM, Saad Mufti <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Does anyone have experience with HBase write performance under auto-split
> > conditions? Out keyspace is randomized so all regions roughly start
> > auto-splitting around the same time, although early on when we had the
> 1024
> > regions we started with, they all decided to do so within an hour or so
> and
> > now that we're up to 6000 regions the process seems to be spread over 12
> > hours or more as they slowly reach their size thresholds.
> >
> > During this time, our writes, for which we use a shared BufferedMutator
> > suffer as writes time out and the underlying AsyncProcess thread pool
> seems
> > to fill up. Which means callers to our service see their response times
> > shoot up as they spend time trying to drain the buffer and submit
> mutations
> > to the thread pool. So overall system time suffers and we can't keep up
> > with our input load.
> >
> > Are there any guidelines on the size of the BufferedMutator to use? We
> are
> > even considering running performance tests without the BufferedMutator to
> > see if it is buying us anything. Currently we have it sized pretty large
> at
> > around 50 MB but maybe having it too big is not a good idea.
> >
> > Any help/advice would be most appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > ----
> > Saad
> >

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