Any reason to not use the container way via clusterdock [1]? I do
replication testing on my Mac for this using it and have had pretty good



On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 2:51 PM, Demai Ni <> wrote:

> hi, folks,
> I am trying to setup a simple development environment on my Mac Book. And
> like to have multiple instances of HBases, for some testing of replication,
> backup. etc. And wondering there is any instruction to setup for multiple
> instances(not the VM/container way).
> Here is what I did so far. Install one through homebrew, and build another
> one from source code.
> To make my life easier, I setup the following alias:
> /* first HBase, is installed by homebrew and using HDFS as storage, by
> specify hbase.rootdir */
> alias hDFSHBaseShell='/usr/local/bin/hbase shell'
> alias
> hstart='/usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/2.7.3/sbin/start-dfs.
> sh;/usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/2.7.3/sbin/'
> alias
> hstop='/usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/2.7.3/sbin/stop-yarn.
> sh;/usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/2.7.3/sbin/'
> alias startHDFSHBase='/usr/local/bin/'
> alias stopHDFSHBase='/usr/local/bin/'
> /* 2nd HBase, is build locally from git clone, and using localfile system
> as storage */
> /* changed HBASE_PID_DIR in to avoid conflict with the first
> instance
> alias localHBaseShell='/Users/demai/hbase/bin/hbase shell'
> alias startLocalHBase='/Users/demai/hbase/bin/'
> alias stopLocalHBase='/Users/demai/hbase/bin/'
> Still, it is not enough as the start/stop hbase will only bring up on
> instance, and bring it down regardless which I used. I guess
> more port configuration, like describe there :
> need to change in hbase-site.xml?
> Before, I go down the manually port configuration route. Just wondering
> whether anyone already done it? To save me some time of random shooting....
> :-)
> Many thanks. BTW, I did a bit google using 'multiple hbase instances', but
> search results doesn't exactly match this environment.
> Demai

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