Master log contained entries in the following form:

2016-11-22 13:13:41,836 INFO  [ProcedureExecutor-3]
procedure2.ProcedureExecutor: Rolledback procedure DisableTableProcedure
(table=sentinel-meta) id=43538 owner=hbase         state=ROLLEDBACK
exec-time=242hrs, 10mins, 28.896sec
exception=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotEnabledException: sentinel-meta

Note the procedure Id was around 43000, far lower than 147464.

Can you turn debug log on and repost master log ?


On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 4:16 AM, Cecile, Adam <> wrote:

> Hello,
> We're having a table stuck in disabled state. First I'd like to start with
> what I tried already:
> * Restart all machines involved in HBase cluster
> * hbase hbck with varios arguments
> * hdfs fsck
> * Purge ZK /hbase and restart masters
> Now more details anout what happens:
> * When enabling from hbase shell:
> hbase(main):002:0> enable "sentinel-meta"
> ERROR: The procedure 147464 is still running
> The task ID changes every time I run the command so I think it's talking
> about itself (and it gets stuck for a while before saying anything)
> In the log, all I can see is:
> 2016-11-22 13:10:50,776 INFO  [ProcedureExecutor-0]
> procedure2.ProcedureExecutor: Rolledback procedure DisableTableProcedure
> (table=sentinel-meta) id=43220 owner=hbase state=ROLLEDBACK
> exec-time=242hrs, 52mins, 7.454sec 
> exception=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotEnabledException:
> sentinel-meta
> 2016-11-22 13:10:50,781 INFO  [ProcedureExecutor-0] 
> procedure.DisableTableProcedure:
> Table sentinel-meta isn't enabled; skipping disable
> 2016-11-22 13:10:51,084 INFO  [ProcedureExecutor-0]
> procedure2.ProcedureExecutor: Rolledback procedure DisableTableProcedure
> (table=sentinel-meta) id=43221 owner=hbase state=ROLLEDBACK
> exec-time=242hrs, 51mins, 42.288sec 
> exception=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotEnabledException:
> sentinel-meta
> 2016-11-22 13:10:51,088 INFO  [ProcedureExecutor-0] 
> procedure.DisableTableProcedure:
> Table sentinel-meta isn't enabled; skipping disable
> Please also find attached a complete log from startup to shutdown on a
> single active master. You'll see the table is found as well as the regions
> but it gets deactivated with no reason.
> Thanks a lot for your help, we're kinda running out if ideas here.
> Best regards,
> Adam.

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