Hi Everyone,

I apologize for starting an additional thread about this but I wasn't
subscribed to the users mailing list when I sent the original and can't
figure out how to respond to the original :(

Original Message:

We are seeing about 80% CPU utilization on the Region Server that solely
serves the meta table while other region servers typically have under 50%
CPU utilization. Is this expected?

Here's some more info about our cluster:
HBase version 1.2
Number of regions: 72
Number of tables: 97
Approx. requests per second to meta region server: 3k
Approx. requests per second to entire HBase cluster: 90k

Additional info:

>From Storefile Metrics:
Stores Num: 1
Storefiles: 1
Storefile Size: 30m
Uncompressed Storefile Size: 30m
Index Size: 459k

I/O for the region server with only meta on it:
48M bytes in
5.9B bytes out

I used the debug dump on the region server's UI but it was too large
for paste bin so here's a portion of it: http://pastebin.com/nkYhEceE

Thanks for the help,


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