bq. range from ~2sec to ~2mints at the same time query hbase response time
shoots up

By the above I assume you have established correlation between the timing
of minor compaction and slow response.
Was there other activity from region server log which could affect response
time ?

BTW HBASE-18161 <> was
only integrated to branch-2 which has no release yet.

Which hbase release did the backport go to ?


On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 6:55 AM, munishmhr <> wrote:

> Our application does continuous bulkload through out the day and at the
> same
> time we are also doing query. From the logs i can see minor compaction
> happening timings of which range from ~2sec to ~2mints at the same time
> query hbase response time shoots up ranging ~2sec to ~27sec.
> Our application is using output format
> <>
> Now my question is if minor compaction should really cause this response
> time if so what changes can be done to minimize the latency.
> One solution that i can come up with is to use puts in reducer it self by
> writing some custom output format.
> By this data will be always in memstore and minor compaction can be stopped
> for every bulkload.
> --
> Sent from:
> f4020416.html

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