Sounds great Water. Lets take it for a spin. Quick question, why the "GNU
Affero General Public License, version 3" Is it up from mysql? Thanks,

On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 10:09 AM, Water Guo <> wrote:

> Dear HBase Community,
> I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce my open source project
> AntsDB. It is a database virtualization software that brings MySQL
> compatibility to HBase. It means you can use any MySQL bindings such as
> JDBC, ODBC, PHP, Perl to manipulate data in HBase. It supports most MySQL
> DDLs and all DMLs, transaction control, table locks, row locks etc. Up to
> date applications such as MySQL console, MySQL command lines, BenchmarkSQL,
> MediaWiki, SonarQube, DBeaver, SquirrelSQL and many others can run directly
> on HBase using AntsDB layer. The project is hosted at
> AntsDB is designed to support high concurrency, low latency applications.
> It uses local storage as cache so it can further reduce the latency of
> HBase. We have benchmarked AntsDB using YCSB. The result is at
> People always ask me how it is different from Phoenix. While Phoenix is
> building a powerful SQL layer for HBase, we want to focus on backward
> compatibility. We want to have applications built for MySQL can be used
> directly on HBase. And people who are familiar with traditional relational
> database can adopt HBase/Hadoop stack with ease.
> I’d be very glad if you find the project is useful and your feedback is
> very welcome.
> Thanks
> -water

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