yes please this would be great!

I have a DISCUSS thread I've been drafting about doing the same thing
for branch-2 releases. I think in general we need to get back in the
habit of only making maintenance releases when someone steps forward
with a specific need.

I plan to keep making branch-1.2 releases until April 2019.
On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 1:36 PM Andrew Purtell <> wrote:
> Please be advised I plan to RM the next minor release from branch-1, 1.5.0,
> in January of 2019. Once this is done we can continue making maintenance
> releases from branch-1.4 as needed but expect that not to be necessary
> after a couple of months (or perhaps even immediately).
> I see no need to make a branch-1.5. As community resources continue to
> shift away from branch-1 we need to conserve available attention. I don't
> see why we cannot release directly from branch-1. Certainly in the
> beginning any branch-1.5 would be lock step with branch-1. No distinction
> in branch curation means no need for a new branch, at least initially.
> Also, should a commit land in branch-1 that requires a new minor per our
> compatibility guidelines then I don't see why the next release from
> branch-1 cannot a new minor (1.6.0, etc.) right there and then. We have
> expressed intent to make more frequent minor releases anyhow.
> Related, I started a DISCUSS thread about EOL of branch-1.3.
> In my opinion the optimal future for branch-1, until all attention moves
> away from it, is continuing releases directly from branch-1 and perhaps
> branch-1.2 (depends on Busbey's plans for it).
> If you would prefer we continue to make new branches for minor code lines,
> I can do that for 1.5, no problem, but perhaps you will agree it is no
> longer necessary.
> --
> Best regards,
> Andrew
> Words like orphans lost among the crosstalk, meaning torn from truth's
> decrepit hands
>    - A23, Crosstalk

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