Hi all,

we are seeing the following behavior in our HBase (version 1.1) and are
not sure whether it is an intended behavior or possibly a bug:

We have a custom coprocessor loaded (RegionObserver implementation) and
see that whenever a region split takes place, prior to the split the
coprocessor is stopped automatically (this is expected).

However, occasionally the region split will fail and will be rolled
back. After a successful rollback, the coprocessor will _not_ be
restarted for the region, even though it _was_ running prior to the split

Can someone confirm that this is an intended behavior? We would expect
the coprocessor to be automatically re-started after successful region
split rollback, but it does not seem to be the case.

Are coprocessors supposed to handle the restart themselves after a
region split rollback, e.g. in RegionObserver#postRollbackSplit, such as
in the following example?:



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