The next Bay Area Hive User Group Meetup is tomorrow, Tuesday, February
12th at the offices of KIXEYE in San Francisco. The format will be a series
of short (15 min) talks followed by un-conference style sessions and
networking. Please join me in thanking the folks at KIXEYE for providing
the meeting space and refreshments.

IMPORTANT: You must present a valid photo ID and sign Kixeye's NDA in orded
to gain admission to the event.


6pm: Doors open

6-7pm: Networking and refreshments

7-9pm: Talks


Hive at KIXEYE and in the Gaming Industry -- Ben Speakmon and Aaron Sun

Brickhouse: Klout's Open Source UDF Library for Hive -- Jerome Banks

New Features in Hive 0.10.0 -- Ashutosh Chauhan

Hive Client/Server Deployment Options -- Prasad Mujumdar

Case Study: Utilizing Windowing and Partitioned Table Functions with Hive
-- Murtaza Doctor

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