The April Bay Area Hive User Group Meetup is happening on
Thursday, April 25th at Hortonworks in Palo Alto. The format will
be a series of short (15 min) talks preceded by refreshments and
networking. Please join me in thanking the folks at Hortonworks
for providing the meeting space and refreshments.

Important: You must RSVP on the Meetup page in order to attend.


* 5pm: Doors Open
* 5pm-6pm: Networking and Refreshments
* 6pm-8pm: Presentations


* Hive and HCatalog -- Travis Crawford
* The State of Security in Hive -- Carl Steinbach
* New Features in Hive -- Ashutosh Chauhan
* Making Your Hive Queries Run Faster -- Gunther Hagleitner

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