

As you may be aware hive metastore stores hive metadata in a relational
database. The recommendation is to have this database in a remote container.
Currently this database can be created "remotely" on MySQL and PostgresSQL
plus Oracle and I believe MSSQL.


I have now adapted the relevant schema for metadata for SAP Adaptive Server
Enterprise ( ASE) as well.  You need to create the schema (database) in ASE.
Create a login called say hiveuser in ASE and make its default database the
one just created for hive. Make the new login "dbo" in hive database. Pretty
easy. You will need to download the ASE driver called jconn4.jar and place
it in $HIVE_HOME/lib directory.


You then need to modify the file $HIVE_HOME/conf/hive-core.xml and add the
following lines




















I just recycled metastore and hiveserver2 connections and it all works fine.


Once I finished my testings, I will try to release the code and how to. As I
am very new to this forum, I may need some help on how to proceed.







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