

I believe partitioning followed by hash cluster allows only up to 32 buckets
within a single partition?







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From: Daniel Harper [mailto:daniel.har...@bbc.co.uk] 
Sent: 15 April 2015 16:42
To: user@hive.apache.org
Subject: [Hive 0.13.1] - Explanation/confusion over "Fatal error occurred
when node tried to create too many dynamic partitions" on small dataset with
dynamic partitions


Hi there,


We've been encountering the exception


Error: java.lang.RuntimeException:
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveFatalException: [Error 20004]: Fatal
error occurred when node tried to create too many dynamic partitions. The
maximum number of dynamic partitions is controlled by
hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions and
hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode. Maximum was set to: 100


On a very small dataset (180 lines) using the following setup


CREATE TABLE enriched_data (

enriched_json_data string


PARTITIONED BY (yyyy string, mm string, dd string, identifier string,
sub_identifier string, unique_run_id string)

CLUSTERED BY (enriched_json_data) INTO 128 BUCKETS



INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE enriched_data PARTITION (yyyy, mm, dd, identifier,
sub_identifier, unique_run_id)



We've not seen this issue before (normally our dataset is billions of
lines), but in this case we have a very tiny amount of data causing this


After looking at the code, it appears as if this condition is failing

I downloaded and rebuilt the branch with a bit of debugging/stdout printing
on the contents of the valToPaths map and it fails as there are 101 entries
in it


All the entries look like this








We're just confused as to why Hive considers the final bit of the output
path (e.g. 000047_0) to be a "dynamic partition", as this is not in our


The only thing I can think of is the CLUSTERED BY 128 BUCKETS clause,
combined with the dataset being really small (180 lines), is loading
everything into 1 REDUCER task - but the hashing of each line is
distributing the rows fairly uniformly so we have > 100 buckets to write to
via one reducer


Any help will be greatly appreciated


With thanks,


Daniel Harper

Software Engineer, OTG ANT

BC5 A5

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