Hi All,

I am facing an issue with the Hive classpath. I have written a UDAF which
is using common maths 3.3 version. So, while creating temporary function I
first add common maths 3.3 and then UDAF jar and create temporary function.

There is another version of common math 3.1 present under HADOOP_HOME/lib

Now the problem is even after adding common maths 3.3 in Hive classpath (by
ADD JAR ..) , Hive is picking common maths 3.1 version from HADOOP_HOME/lib
folder. How do I remove 3.1 version from classpath.

I tried using DELETE JAR ... but it doesnt work.

Is there any way, I can force Hive to pick my version and not the one with
Hadoop lib. Any help is appreciated.



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