Take a look at hive.fetch.task.conversion in 
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Configuration+Properties?, try 
setting to "none" or "minimal"

From: Ryan Harris <ryan.har...@zionsbancorp.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 9:19 AM
To: user@hive.apache.org
Subject: RE: Hive Generic UDF invoking Hbase

This may be a bit of 'hack'  but I've found that basic select-only operations 
will often cause Hive to stream data without running the job through an actual 
MR phase.  That would typically be a logical approach for a "give me 
everything" query if it were not for the UDF...

try adding a basic where clause to the query and see if that changes the 
behavior... e.g.
SELECT membership(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c5,c7) from MemberTable where c1 is not NULL;

From: Yogesh Keshetty [mailto:yogesh.keshe...@outlook.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 11:02 PM
To: Hive community
Subject: RE: Hive Generic UDF invoking Hbase

Thanks for the reply Douglas.

We haven't set up Tez yet. The default execution mode is MR.
I checked the log files. There is no indication of map reduce logs for the 
program. There is no map reduce program generated. I can't see the job with 
"hadoop job -list" command too.

When we were testing the generic UDF's in hive 0.13 for every insertion into 
Hbase hive would trigger MR program. When we migrated to hive 0.14/ 1.0 it 
wouldn't generate any MR for the same activity. I don't know what has changed 
internally. Anyone who has tried to call HBase tables from Hive UDFs? Please 
help us.

Thanks in advance!

From: douglas.mo...@thinkbiganalytics.com
To: user@hive.apache.org
Subject: Re: Hive Generic UDF invoking Hbase
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 03:24:53 +0000
I'm guessing you might now be using tez now where you were using MR before.
You can tell hive to run in map reduce mode, by setting the hive execution 
mode, from within the hive script.

See this page for details

To answer your question though, you can look at the yarn job logs 
For jobs that have stopped running
or the scheduler page on the resource manager. The scheduler page will show 
running jobs and how many containers they are using.

I'm not familiar with the MapR management UIs, they should have a UI to show 
running jobs and you can drill down to see tasks/containers.

Hope this helps

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 29, 2015, at 9:39 PM, Yogesh Keshetty 
<yogesh.keshe...@outlook.com<mailto:yogesh.keshe...@outlook.com>> wrote:

I have a quick question about Hive Generic UDF's. We are trying to do some CRUD 
operations on HBase tables from hive generic UDF. But, the issue here is until 
hive 0.13, it would  generate map reduce task where we could track the status 
of execution. Once we migrated to hive 1.0, it doesn't show any status, it is 
probably doing a streaming on the data. How can we know if it is using multiple 
mappers for the job?

I thought this process would be pretty fast in terms of performance. But, looks 
like it is taking way longer than what we estimated. For 11.2 million records 
it has been more than 8 hours still it is in progress.

Use Case:

Let us say my table name is "MemberTable". The generic UDF name is "Membership" 
which accepts n columns as the parameters to the UDF. Inside the UDF we wrote 
some internal algorithm and insert the values in to multiple hbase tables.

Sample Query:

CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION membership as 'com.fishbowl.udf.membership'

SELECT membership(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c5,c7) from MemberTable;

Cluster info:
4 Node cluster (each 32 GB)
Hive version: 1.0
Hbase Version: 0.98.12
Distro: Mapr

Thanks in advance!

PS: This is really urgent, I hope someone can help us asap.

Thank you,

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