Thanks. I could locate them in the proper container's log directory and
visualize them.
I was at the wrong node, assuming that they would be available on any of
the node, but they are really dumped in one of the nodes.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 7:00 PM, Hitesh Shah <> wrote:

> The .dot file is generated into the Tez Application Master’s container log
> dir. Firstly, you need to figure out the yarn application in which the
> query/Tez DAG ran. Once you have the applicationId, you can use one of
> these 2 approaches:
> 1) Go to the YARN ResourceManager UI, find the application and click
> through to the Application Master logs. The .dot file for the dag should be
> visible there.
> 2) Using the application Id ( if the application has completed), get the
> yarn logs using “bin/yarn logs -applicationId <appId>” - once you have the
> logs, you will be able to find the contents of the .dot file within them.
> This approach only works if you have YARN log aggregation enabled.
> thanks
> — Hitesh
> On Sep 30, 2015, at 5:29 PM, James Pirz <> wrote:
> > I am using Tez 0.7.0 on Hadopp 2.6 to run Hive queries.
> > I am interested in checking DAGs for my queries visually, and I realized
> that I can do that by graphviz once I can get "dot" files of my DAGs. My
> issue is I can not find those files, they are not in the log directory of
> Yarn or Hadoop or under /tmp .
> >
> > Any hint as where I can find those files would be great. Do I need to
> add any settings to my tez-site.xml in-order to enable generating them ?
> >
> > Thanks.

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