If I understand you correctly this could be just another Hive storage format.

> On 06 Jan 2016, at 07:24, Mich Talebzadeh <m...@peridale.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thinking loudly.
> Ideally we should consider a totally columnar storage offering in which each
> column of table is stored as compressed value (I disregard for now how
> actually ORC does this but obviously it is not exactly a columnar storage).
> So each table can be considered as a loose federation of columnar storage
> and each column is effectively an index?
> As columns are far narrower than tables, each index block will be very
> higher density and all operations like aggregates can be done directly on
> index rather than table. 
> This type of table offering will be in true nature of data warehouse
> storage. Of course row operations (get me all rows for this table) will be
> slower but that is the trade-off that we need to consider.
> Expecting users to write their own IndexHandler may be technically
> interesting but commercially not viable as Hive needs to be a product on its
> own merit not a development base. Writing your own storage attributes etc.
> requires skills that will put off people seeing Hive as an attractive
> proposition (requiring considerable investment in skill sets in order to
> maintain Hive).
> Thus my thinking on this is to offer true columnar storage in Hive to be a
> proper data warehouse. In addition, the development tools cab ne made
> available for those interested in tailoring their own specific Hive
> solutions.
> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
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> co-author "Sybase Transact SQL Guidelines Best Practices", ISBN
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> Publications due shortly:
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> 978-0-9563693-3-8
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gopal Vijayaraghavan [mailto:go...@hortonworks.com] On Behalf Of Gopal
> Vijayaraghavan
> Sent: 05 January 2016 23:55
> To: user@hive.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Is Hive Index officially not recommended?
>> So in a nutshell in Hive if "external" indexes are not used for 
>> improving query response, what value they add and can we forget them for
> now?
> The builtin indexes - those that write data as smaller tables are only
> useful in a pre-columnar world, where the indexes offer a huge reduction in
> IO.
> Part #1 of using hive indexes effectively is to write your own
> HiveIndexHandler, with usesIndexTable=false;
> And then write a IndexPredicateAnalyzer, which lets you map arbitrary
> lookups into other range conditions.
> Not coincidentally - we're adding a "ANALYZE TABLE ... CACHE METADATA"
> which consolidates the "internal" index into an external store (HBase).
> Some of the index data now lives in the HBase metastore, so that the
> inclusion/exclusion of whole partitions can be done off the consolidated
> index. 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-11676
> The experience from BI workloads run by customers is that in general, the
> lookup to the right "slice" of data is more of a problem than the actual
> aggregate.
> And that for a workhorse data warehouse, this has to survive even if there's
> a non-stop stream of updates into it.
> Cheers,
> Gopal

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