Yeah it looks like 1.1.0+cdh5.4.3+151 backported 
HIVE-2573<>, which has the bug 
you are seeing (fixed in HIVE-10288).

From: Chagarlamudi, Prasanth <>
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 2:07 PM
Subject: RE: Hive Permanent functions not working after a cluster restart.

Fyi Bastian,
This is fixed in version 1.2.
If you are using cloudera distribution ? This issue is fixed in CHD 5.5 version.
I wasn’t able to find an alternative so far than to look for a latest version 
or recreate them every time you restart.

Prasanth Chagarlamudi

From: Bastian Kronenbitter []
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 2:20 AM
Subject: RE: Hive Permanent functions not working after a cluster restart.

Hi all,

We face the same problem. Every time we restart the hive server, permanent 
functions are not working. We are also using the hive 1.1 version of CDH5.
Listing the functions using “SHOW FUNCTIONS” shows the permanent functions, but 
without the database prefix they normally have.
We use a mysql metastore db and looking into it, I see the permanent functions 
in FUNCS and the corresponding resources in FUNC_RU.
Dropping the functions and creating them again solves the problem (until the 
next restart).

Any help or pointer is very much appreciated.

Best regards,

From: Surendra , Manchikanti 
Sent: Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2016 20:09
Subject: Re: Hive Permanent functions not working after a cluster restart.

Please check your metastore database tables refreshing after a restart ? 
Permanent functions will be stored in DB.

-- Surendra Manchikanti

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 7:58 AM, Chagarlamudi, Prasanth 
Hi Surendra,
Its Derby.

Prasanth C

From: Surendra , Manchikanti 
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: Hive Permanent functions not working after a cluster restart.


What's your meta store DB. Is it Derby (Internal) or external Database?

Surendra M

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Chagarlamudi, Prasanth 
I created permanent functions(rather than temp functions) in Hive to use it 
across different sessions. It all works fine until I actually restart the hive 
server or cluster for any reason.

So is this the intended functionality of  Permanent functions?
Here is the hive doc link for Permanent functions.

1)      Placed my utils jar for hive in hdfs location 

2)      Create function schemaName.myFunctName as 
‘<>’ using 

3)      Select schemaName.myFunctName() from tableName;

This is what I did to create a permanent function through beeline. And this is 
working fine in other beeline sessions as well.
Now after I restart the servers I was able to see the functions name in “show 
functions;” command but I cannot use this function in any of my queries.

When I issue the command in 3) Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: 
SemanticException Line 0:-1 Invalid function schemaName.myFunctName ' 

I would like to create Permanent functions as mentioned above and I don’t want 
to deal with them every time I restart.

Any corrections(if I am missing anything) or suggestion are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Prasanth Chagarlamudi


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