?You might be using the wrong path to reference the distributed cache - I was 
under the impression that the distributed cache files would accessible using a 
local path not something starting with '/'.

I suspect query 1 is working because fetch task conversion is running the 
select in a local task, where it can see /data/MyData.txt. Try setting 
hive.fetch.task.conversion=false so the select query is run in a MR task, to 
see if you get the same results as the other queries. Actually fetch task 
conversion doesn't work well with the distributed cache since it is not running 
in a MR task.

For the other queries try referencing the file as "MyData.txt".

From: Dayong <will...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 11:49 AM
To: user@hive.apache.org
Subject: Re: Hive UDF to fetch value from distributed cache not working with 
outer queries

What if you extends genericUDF


On Apr 5, 2016, at 2:11 PM, Abhishek Dubey 
<abhishek.du...@xoriant.com<mailto:abhishek.du...@xoriant.com>> wrote:


We have written a Hive UDF in Java to fetch value from file added in 
distributed cache which works perfectly from a select query like :

Query 1.

select country_key, MyFunction(country_key,"/data/MyData.txt") as capital from 

But not working when trying to create table from its output. Like :

Query 2.

 create table new_table
    select country_key, MyFunction(country_key,"/data/MyData.txt") as capital 
from tablename;

It is not even working from outer select. Like :

Query 3.

select t.capital from
select country_key, MyFunction(country_key,"/data/MyData.txt") as capital from 
) t;

Below is my UDF's evaluate function :

public class CountryMap extends UDF{

    Map<Integer, String> countryMap =  null;

    public String evaluate(Integer keyCol, String mapFile) {

        if (countryMap == null){
            //read comma delimited data from mapFile and build a hashmap
                countryMap.put(key, value);

        if (countryMap.containsKey(keyCol)) {
                return countryMap.get(keyCol);
        return "NA";

Adding jar, file and creating Hive temporary function in Hive like:

ADD JAR /data/CountryMap-with-dependencies.jar;
ADD FILE /data/MyData.txt;

When I run query 1 I get expected value from Map but when I run query 2 and 3 I 
get 'NA'. When I returned Map.size() for query 2 and 3 in place of 'NA' it was 

I am puzzled why outer select or create table is not able to fetch coutryMap() 
value and why the size of Map becomes zero.

Thanks in advance,

Abhishek Dubey

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