Hi Jorn
Thank you for replying. We are currently exporting data from hbase to hive, I 
have mentioned in the previous message. I am working in the big company. I 
personally like tez but it's even not in our roadmap.
Thank you

On May 12, 2016, at 1:52 AM, J?rn Franke 
<jornfra...@gmail.com<mailto:jornfra...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Why don't you export the data from hbase to  hive, eg in Orc format. You should 
not use mr with Hive, but Tez. Also use a recent hive version (at least 1.2). 
You can then do queries there. For large log file processing in real time, one 
alternative depending on your needs could be Solr on Hadoop.

On 12 May 2016, at 03:06, Yi Jiang 
<yi.ji...@ubisoft.com<mailto:yi.ji...@ubisoft.com>> wrote:

Hi, Guys
Recently we are debating the usage for hbase as our destination for data 
pipeline job.
Basically, we want to save our logs into hbase, and our pipeline can generate 
2-4 terabytes data everyday, but our IT department think it is not good idea to 
scan so hbase, it will cause the performance and memory issue. And they ask our 
just keep 15 minutes data amount in the hbase for real time analysis.
For now, I am using hive to external to hbase, but what I am thinking that for 
map reduce job, what kind of mapper it is using to scan the data from hbase? Is 
it TableInputFormatBase? and how many mapper it will use in hive to scan the 
hbase. Is it efficient or not? Will it cause the performance issue if we have 
couple T's or more larger data amount?
I am also trying to index some columns that we might use to query. But  I am 
not sure if it is good idea to keep so much history data in the hbase for query.
Thank you

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