Hi Gopal,
Thank you for this insight.  good stuff.   The thing is there is no 'foo'
for etl_database_source so that filter if anything should be
short-circuited to 'true'.  ie. double nots.   1. not in  2. and foo not

it doesn't matter what what i put in that "not in" clause the filter always
comes back false if the column is a partition_key of course.

thanks for the tip on explain extended.... that's some crazy output so i'm
sifting for clues in that now.   i hear you though - something in there
with the metastore is at play.


On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 1:12 PM, Gopal Vijayaraghavan <gop...@apache.org>

> > anybody run up against this one?  hive 2.1.0 + using a  "not in" on a
> >list + the column is a partition key participant.
> The partition filters are run before the plan is generated.
> >    AND etl_source_database not in ('foo')
> Is there a 'foo' in etl_source_database?
> >             predicate: false (type: boolean)  #### this kills any hope
> >of the query returning anything.
> ...
> >  Select Operator        ###doesn't even mention a filter
> This is probably good news, because that's an optimization.
> PrunedPartitionList getPartitionsFromServer(Table tab, final
> ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc compactExpr ...) {
> ...
>           hasUnknownPartitions = Hive.get().getPartitionsByExpr(
>               tab, compactExpr, conf, partitions);
> }
> goes into the metastore and evaluates the IN and NOT IN for partitions
> ahead of time.
> So, this could mean that the partition pruning evaluation returned no
> partitions at all (or just exactly matched partitions only, skipping the
> filter per-row).
> In 2.x, you might notice it does a bit fancier things there as well, like
> select count(1) from table where year*10000 + month*100 + day >= 20160101;
> https://github.com/apache/hive/blob/master/ql/src/java/
> org/apache/hadoop/hi
> ve/ql/optimizer/ppr/PartitionPruner.java#L468
> You can try "explain extended" and see which partitions are selected (&
> validate that the filter removed was applied already).
> Cheers,
> Gopal

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