> * Are you using Hive-2.x at your org and at what scale?

yes. we're using 2.1.0.  1.5PB.  30 node cluster.  ~1000 jobs a day.    And
yeah hive 2.1.0 has some issues and can require some finesse wrt the
hive-site.xml settings.

> * Is the release stable enough? Did you notice any correctness issues?

yes.  we did notice correctness issues.    "NOT IN" against a partition key
silently fails.  and trouble with UNION statements also got us.

> * MR is deprecated in Hive-2.x (Though almost all the qtests still use
MR). Are you still using MR with Hive-2.x?

we still use MR on YARN and have no issues with it.

> * Are you using the apache release or HDP ?

we're using Apache/Hive 2.1.0 on a CDH distro.  does cloudera certify it?
probably not.  Do i care? no. :)

bottom line IMHO is Hive 2.1.0 is still in an early adopter phase.
however, if you're the do-it-yourself kind of guy then i'm sure you can
adapt - and reap the rewards of your know-how.  If you're the type who
needs somebody else to go to when it fails then i wouldn't jump on it just

just one opinion!  :o


On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 3:53 PM, Jörn Franke <jornfra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you are using a distribution (which you should if you go to production
> - Apache releases should not be used due to the maintainability, complexity
> and interaction with other components, such as Hadoop etc) then wait until
> a distribution with 2.x is out. As far as i am aware there is currently no
> such distribution. As far as i know , Hortonworks and probably also
> Cloudera test their distributions on large scale real production systems
> beforehand.
> I would not use MR even with 1.x and go for TEZ (except you are using some
> very specific outdated functionality). Spark is another option, but i do
> not see Hive on Spark as stable and less functionality - this may change in
> the future.
> On 14 Sep 2016, at 22:36, RD <rdsr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
>   We  (at my org) are currently planning our move to Hive-2.x. As part of
> this I wanted to get a sense of how stable the Hive-2.x release is.  I
> thought it would be good to conduct a brief survey on this. I've added a
> few questions below. It would really be a ton of help if folks could
> provide their feedback
> * Are you using Hive-2.x at your org and at what scale?
> * Is the release stable enough? Did you notice any correctness issues?
> * MR is deprecated in Hive-2.x (Though almost all the qtests still use
> MR). Are you still using MR with Hive-2.x?
> * Are you using the apache release or HDP ?
> -Best,

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