
We are doing Join on large tables and couple of Left Join on 3-4 tables with 
result of large table join. We have question, is it better to keep predicate 
along with JOIN condition or keep predicate in where condition. I was going 
through Apache site, found below context

Couldn't understand meaning Pushed and Not Pushed. Can any1 throw some light on 


  *   Another question, In the case of inner Join, Is it better to keep 
predicate condition part of JOIN ON Condition or in Where Condition. We have 
seen If we do Join and add predicate in where condition, it was taking too much 
of time. when we move predicate logic to JOIN ON condition, it is executing 
fast. both the tables are large. Is this expected ? Below is our Table Join 

Table2Detail T2
JOIN Table1Summary T1
ON T2.Nbr= T1.Nbr
AND T2.Year=T1.Year
AND T2.Month=T1.Month
AND  T1.Col1= T2.Col1
AND T2.Col2= T1.Col2
AND T1.Col2= 'XYZ'
AND T2.Col2= 'XYZ'


Table2Detail T2
JOIN Table1Summary T1
ON T2.Nbr= T1.Nbr
AND T2.Year=T1.Year
AND T2.Month=T1.Month
AND  T1.Col1= T2.Col1
AND T2.Col2= T1.Col2

Where T1.Col2= 'XYZ'  AND T2.Col2= 'XYZ'

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