Has anyone implemented SQL Standard Based Hive Authorization with CDH 5.5.2

Cloudera has confirmed that it's not supported, but I have a need that
requires the implementation.

I've followed: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/SQL+

I've added the following to "HiveServer2 Advanced Configuration Snippet
(Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml" via Cloudera Manager.





















I've tried adding the following start up options to "HiveServer2
Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve)" via Cloudera

   - -hiveconf hive.security.authorization.manager=org.apache.hadoop.

   - -hiveconf hive.security.authorization.enabled=true
   - -hiveconf hive.security.authenticator.manager=org.apache.hadoop.
   - -hiveconf hive.metastore.uris=' '

I get the following error:

Could not parse: HiveServer2 Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet
(Safety Valve) : Could not parse parameter 'hive_hs2_env_safety_valve'. Was
expecting: valid variable name. Input: -hiveconf hive
.ql.security.authorization.plugin.sqlstd.SQLStdHiveAuthorizerFactory -hiveconf
hive.security.authorization.enabled=true -hiveconf hive
-hiveconf hive.metastore.uris=' '

So, in short - I'm not sure how to start hiveserver2 with those options.
Any help you can offer is appreciated.



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