Hi, Jone Zhang

1. Hive UDF
You might need collect_set or collect_list (to eliminate duplication), but
make sure reduce its cardinality before applying UDFs as it can cause
problems while handling 1 billion records. Union dataset 1,2,3 -> group by
user_id1 -> collect_set (feature column) would works.


2.Spark Dataframe Pivot

- Goun

2017-05-15 22:15 GMT+09:00 Jone Zhang <joyoungzh...@gmail.com>:

> For example
> Data1(has 1 billion records)
> user_id1  feature1
> user_id1  feature2
> Data2(has 1 billion records)
> user_id1  feature3
> Data3(has 1 billion records)
> user_id1  feature4
> user_id1  feature5
> ...
> user_id1  feature100
> I want to get the result as follow
> user_id1  feature1 feature2 feature3 feature4 feature5...feature100
> Is there a more efficient way except join?
> Thanks!

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