Hi Balajee,

The best way will be to clean the file in Unix(or perl or python) before
loading the file in HIVE. The root cause should be most probably carriage
return(occurs as mostly the files generated on Microsoft platform consists
of ^M characters in file). To identify whether carriage return is the
problem, try the below few steps:
1. `file` command will give you all Line terminators(\n,etc) in your file
but it will be in ASCII value.
Ex: file yourfilename
yourfilename: UTF-8 Unicode text, with CRLF, CR, LF line terminators
2. To find what CR(\r), LF(\n) and CRLF(\r\n) mean, try:
man ascii
Till here you will know whether there are carriage returns(\r) in your file
which breaks the record in HIVE.
3. To identify at which place the carriage return is there, open the file
in vi-editor
Press Esc
Type   :set list
This should display all the ^M characters highlighted. Find the record
where you can see ^M in between the record. Go to Hive table do a select on
this record, you will see that the HIVE record is broken exactly where the
^M is seen in the file.

Please let us know if this works in identifying the issue, if carriage
return is the problem, next step is to remove carriage return from your
file(you can easily find commands in stack overflow, let me know if nothing



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