insert into dep_av values(8,null) should do what you intent.

> On 24. Sep 2017, at 03:03, BD <> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I have imported (using sqoop) departments table from retail_db in hdfs as 
> avro file. Have created an external table stored as hive and used the avro 
> schema generated by sqoop. 
> I want to modify the avro schema so that a column is non nullable and if not 
> specified in insert query then a default value is inserted into the table. 
> Have tried modifying the avro schema as following, but it does not help. 
> Avro Schema
> {
>   "type" : "record",
>   "name" : "departments",
>   "doc" : "Sqoop import of departments",
>   "fields" : [ {
>     "name" : "department_id",
>     "type" :  "int" ,
>     "columnName" : "department_id",
>     "sqlType" : "4"
>   }, {
>     "name" : "department_name",
>     "type" : "string",
>     "default" : "default_dep_name" ,
>     "columnName" : "department_name",
>     "sqlType" : "12"
>   } ],
>   "tableName" : "departments"
> }
> If i do not provide the value for department name then hive gives error 
> stating that two columns expected. Is this a valid use case? if so any 
> suggestion?
> hive> insert into dep_av values(8);
> FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10044]: Line 1:12 Cannot insert into target 
> table because column number/types are different 'dep_av': Table insclause-0 
> has 2 columns, but query has 1 columns.
> regards

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