Hello everyone:
        Recently,I want to migrate hive cli to beeline,but i'm reffered to 
cloudera official site about hive 
 it describe that the beeline cli should use a heap size at least 2GB,   
hiveserver2 and the hive metastore require
sufficient memory to run correctly.
        I want to know that the hiveserver and hive metastore cloudera 
recommand memory is really true?  Thanks for your help.
| Number of Concurrent Connections | HiveServer2 Heap Size Recommended Range | 
Hive Metastore Heap Size Recommended Range |

Up to 40 concurrent connections

Cloudera recommends splitting HiveServer2 into multiple instances and 
load-balancing once you start allocating over 16 GB to HiveServer2. This 
reduces the impact of Java garbage collection on active processing by the 

| 12 - 16 GB | 12 - 16 GB |
| Up to 20 concurrent connections | 6 - 12 GB | 10 - 12 GB |
| Up to 10 concurrent connections | 4 - 6 GB | 4 - 10 GB |
| One connection | 4 GB | 4 GB |
最近,我想从hive cli迁移使用beeline,但是看到cloudare官网这样描述hiveserver2 

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