Leaving the column list out, here you go:

# Detailed Table Information             
Database:               default                  
Owner:                  hadoop                   
CreateTime:             Thu Apr 05 13:24:33 UTC 2018     
LastAccessTime:         UNKNOWN                  
Retention:              0                        
Location:               s3://zoomi-proto-warehouse-measurements/         
Table Type:             MANAGED_TABLE            
Table Parameters:                
        COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE   {\"BASIC_STATS\":\"true\"}
        numFiles                10                  
        numPartitions           7                   
        numRows                 153                 
        orc.compress            ZLIB                
        orc.create.index        true                
        rawDataSize             113563              
        totalSize               37801               
        transient_lastDdlTime   1522934673          
# Storage Information            
SerDe Library:          org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcSerde        
InputFormat:            org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcInputFormat  
OutputFormat:           org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcOutputFormat        
Compressed:             No                       
Num Buckets:            61                       
Bucket Columns:         [crs_id]                 
Sort Columns:           []                       
Storage Desc Params:             
        serialization.format    1                   
Time taken: 0.467 seconds, Fetched: 98 row(s)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Furcy Pin" <pin.fu...@gmail.com>
To: user@hive.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 9:21:06 AM
Subject: Re: ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION not working on S3

Hi Richard, 

could you please check if your table is EXTERNAL? 
You can see it with a "DESCRIBE FORMATTED table_name ;" 

That's what external tables are for, they don't delete underlying data when you 
drop them. 

On 5 April 2018 at 15:18, Richard A. Bross < r...@oaktreepeak.com > wrote: 

I think that someone put a file in there manually. Would that prevent Hive from 
dropping the partition. I also did a "drop table" and the s3 object keys 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard A. Bross" < r...@oaktreepeak.com > 
To: user@hive.apache.org 
Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 9:14:52 AM 
Subject: ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION not working on S3 


I have a Hive managed table on S3, "api_measurements". I've tried dropping a 
partition like so: 

hive> alter table api_measurements drop if exists 
partition(daydate='2018-04-04', epoch=1522876500); 
Dropped the partition daydate=2018-04-04/epoch=1522876500 
Time taken: 2.109 seconds 

Yet the data is still on S3. Because object keys on S3 are always strings, I 
also tried this: 

hive> alter table api_measurements drop partition(daydate='2018-04-04', 
Time taken: 0.135 seconds 

Yet the object keys and data are still there. I assume that Im missing 
something really simple. Can anyone shed some light on this? 


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