Hi Sungwoo??

Just want to confirm, does that mean I just need to update the hive version, 
without updating the hadoop version?


Zhefu Peng

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "Sungwoo Park"<glap...@gmail.com>;
????????: 2018??7??19??(??????) ????8:20
??????: "user"<user@hive.apache.org>;

????: Re: Does Hive 3.0 only works with hadoop3.x.y?

Hive 3.0 make a few function calls that depend on Hadoop 3.x, but they are easy 
to replace with code that compiles okay on Hadoop 2.8+. I am currently running 
Hadoop 3.x on Hadoop 2.7.6 and HDP 2.6.4 to test with the TPC-DS benchmark, and 
have not encountered any compatibility issue yet. I previously posted a diff 
file that lets us compile Hadoop 3.x on Hadoop 2.8+.


--- Sungwoo Park

On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 8:21 PM, ?????? <461292...@qq.com> wrote:

I already deployed hive 2.2.0 on our hadoop cluster. And recently, we deployed 
the spark cluster with 2.3.0, aiming at using the feature that hive on spark 
engine. However, when I checked the website of hive release, I found the text 

21 May 2018 : release 3.0.0 available

This release works with Hadoop 3.x.y.

Now the hadoop version we deployed is hadoop 2.7.6. I wonder, does Hive 3.0 
only work with hadoop 3.x.y? Or, if we want to use hive 3.0, we have to update 
the hadoop version to 3.x.y?

Looking forward to your reply and help.


Zhefu Peng

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