Hi Gopal,

Thanks for your reply! One more question, does the effect of using pure-java 
version is the same as that of using SnappyCodec? Or, in other words, is there 
any difference between these two methods, about the compression result and 

Looking forward to your reply and help.

Zhefu Peng

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "Gopal Vijayaraghavan"<gop...@apache.org>;
????????: 2018??7??24??(??????) ????10:53
??????: "user@hive.apache.org"<user@hive.apache.org>;

????: Re: Using snappy compresscodec in hive

> "TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress"="Snappy"); " 

That doesn't use the Hadoop SnappyCodec, but uses a pure-java version (which is 
slower, but always works).

The Hadoop snappyCodec needs libsnappy installed on all hosts.


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