    I want to change LineageLogger code to output more log info . 
    I create a new mvn project and cp LineageLogger code to my own class named 
MyLineageLogger. Then I add my code to output more log info ,last I build a new 
jar. but when I config it to <hive.exec.post.hooks> ,the log file didn't 
contain any edges info :  "edges":[],"vertices":[]  

   I've tried to use hive's own LineageLogger with the same sql , and all is ok.
   and if I config both hive's own LineageLogger  and my MyLineageLogger  to 
the <hive.exec.post.hooks> , both LineageLogger  and MyLineageLogger  can out 
put full lineage log.

   I note that ,if I only config MyLineageLogger  , LinkedHashMap<String, 
finalSelOps = index.getFinalSelectOps();
   will return 0
can anybody give me some clue , why this happen ? thanks...



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