I'm trying to run commands like explain select * from src in hive-2.3.4,but it 
falls with the ClassCastException: 
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ExplainSemanticAnalyzer cannot be cast to 
Steps to reproduce:
1??hive.execution.engine is the default value mr
2??hive.security.authorization.enabled is set to true, and 
hive.security.authorization.manager is set to 
3??start hivecli to run command??explain select * from src
I debug the code and find the issue HIVE-18778 causing the above 
ClassCastException.If I set hive.in.test to true??the explain command can be 
successfully executed??
Now,I have one question,due to hive.in.test cann't be modified at runtime.how 
to run explain command with using default authorization in hive-2.3.4??or the 
default authorization can't be used in hive-2.3.4?

I commit a issue??look at this??https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-21489


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