
You have to use HTTP requests to interact with an webhdfs endpoint.

See: https://dzone.com/articles/hadoop-rest-api-webhdfs

Missatge de Hamza Asad <hamza.asa...@gmail.com> del dia dv., 17 d’abr. 2020
a les 23:18:

> Dear member,
> I just want to know can we copy a file from local/remote server to HDFS
> using webHDFS command? I know this might be not the right forum but im
> unable to find a proper solution and command. Can some one help in
> this matter?
> There is a hadoop fs command
> Hadoop -copyFromLocal <sourcePath> < DestinationPathURI> but i need it in
> webhdfs. Thanks in advance for your help.
> Regards

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