I currently broadcast an IgniteCallable in my cluster which opens
connections to various resources, specifically Zookeeper via Apache

If the originating node (the client that launched the IgniteCallable) is
stopped prematurely I see that Ignite will rightfully cancel the broadcast
call within the cluster. This is all great but Apache Curator has a thread
in the background watching Zookeeper. So when Ignite stops the
IgniteCallable in the cluster the connection to Zookeeper is still open
which is keeping ephemeral nodes from being deleted.

I tried implementing logic to handle thread interrupts to close the
zookeeper connection but it doesn't look like IgniteCallable is cancelled
through interrupts. I looked through the Ignite code base and can't quite
figure out how it is cancelling my IgniteCallable so that I can hook into
the IgniteCallable life cycle.

Long story short, how do I do resource/connection cleanup in an
IgniteCallable when the client disconnects ungracefully, and the connection
is held by a thread launched from within the IgniteCallable?


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