Thanks Denis, by "latter" you mean Ignite ?


> On 27 Mar 2017, at 05:12, Denis Magda <> wrote:
> Hello Neeraj,
> I’m not an expert in Akka but having a brief look at it I should say that, in 
> general, it’s a framework for highly-concurrent distributed computations and 
> real-time streaming processing. Roughly, it’s a combination of a distributed 
> map-reduce functionality and streaming engine built around Actor concept.
> While Ignite is a distributed in-memory data platform with a variety of 
> components such as ANSI-99 SQL Grid, transactional and ACID compliant data 
> grid, compute and streaming grids modules that resemble Akka functionality in 
> some way, and more. The upshot is that Akka is outfitted with a subset of 
> capabilities Ignite has and, depending on your project’s current goals and 
> its future evolvement, that latter might be more attractive since a lot of 
> functionality is provided out-of-the-box in a single platform. 
> —
> Denis
>> On Mar 26, 2017, at 6:07 AM, Neeraj Vaidya <> wrote:
>> Dear Experts,
>> While doing development on my application related to telecom projects, I was 
>> wondering if Akka would have any specific advantages/disadvantages in 
>> comparison to Ignite.
>> My application is a realtime telecom transactional application.
>> I can think of the following major pluses for Ignite :
>> - Support for SQL on the key value store.
>> - Proven for distributed data. Whereas Akka distributed data module is still 
>> experimental.
>> Regards,
>> Neeraj
>> Sent from my iPhone

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