Love the idea. Let's add Testing Ignite Apps page on Readme. Denis, I don't
think we need many snippets, just a few.

As far as Maven archetype, Yakov, is the only purpose of it to load a
project, so users can add tests to it?


On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 8:51 AM, Denis Magda <> wrote:

> Yasha,
> Sure, I’ll help from the documentation point but will need raw material
> from you, guys - test snippets, essential configuration parameters, etc.
> —
> Denis
> On Aug 25, 2017, at 8:30 AM, Yakov Zhdanov <> wrote:
> Guys,
> I want to discuss the subject again. It is pretty vivid that having wide
> set of local unit and simple integration tests most likely help to avoid
> many failures and bugs when going to server environment.
> I participated in many POC and I can say for sure - if developers are not
> implementing local tests then their application is broken. This is true for
> the entire industry. Why does anyone think that Ignite and distributed
> systems in general are exceptions here? Complexity added by distributed
> nature probably needs local tests even more.
> So, what Ignite already offers here and what can be done further?
> 1. Ignite offers ability to emulate cluster and even many cluster in a
> single VM. Let's create a page on explaining how to start
> topologies in a single VM and provide couple examples of unit tests for
> cache operations and, for example, queries. Denis Magda, can you help?
> (Yes, we don't have the page explaining how to test Ignite locally!)
> 2. Ignite has a large and rich set of tests in its code base. We can
> provide the link on the page at p1.
> 3. Let's create maven archetype for Ignite. So, executing the command [1]
> will bring me inited project with valid poms, sample batch scripts, sample
> Ignite configs, sample logger configuration and test sources folder
> containing several JUnits (!!).
> [1]  mvn archetype:generate \
>           -DinteractiveMode=false \
>           -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.ignite \
>           -DarchetypeArtifactId=ignite-app-archetype \
>           -DgroupId=org.sample \
>           -DartifactId=sampleapp \
>           -Dversion=1.0
> Please share your thoughts and we can file tickets to start moving.
> --Yakov

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