
I'm currently evaluating Ignite for a project, and am looking for some 
guidance and project sample for using Ignite over Cassandra as a cache and 
query layer. 
Note: The Cassandra database and schema already exists and is mature. 

In a Recent Infoworld post,   (
) it stated 

"No remodeling of Cassandra data
Apache Ignite reads from Apache Cassandra and other NoSQL databases, so 
moving Cassandra data into Ignite requires no data modification. The data 
schema can also be migrated directly into Ignite as is. "

However, I can't find in any documentation,  or online articles,  guidance 
on just how to do this and there are no links in the article. 
  - The Ignite docs /cassandra section appear to only cover using 
Cassandra as a persistence layer,  not for going over and caching / 
querying an existing schema.   (unless I'm missing something obvious !)
  - The Youtube video cuts out to blank at the end, so no links are shown. 
   The  links on the slideshare document appear to be broken. 
  -  Can't find any git hub for examples on how to do this (especially not 
for the couple you tube vids)

Can anyone please point me to some working sample code and/or 
documentation on how to do this ?

I'm especially interested in not having to migrate any schema's,  nor 
having to pre-load the data into the cache.  (lazy load), which the 
articles imply. 
Also some of the data would be too large to load it all into Ram anyway. 

Any assistance greatly appreciated. 



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