My ignite version is 2.2.

在 2017-10-10 20:58:55,"Andrey Mashenkov" <> 写道:

Hi Lucky,

Looks like your query selectivity is poor and even with GroupBy large amount of 
data shoud be fetched to reduce node.

1. Is it possiblt to coolocate data on field used in OrderBy clause?
2. Looks weird that queryParallelizm cause wrong results. Looks like you have a 
single node grid and there is a bug in queryParallelizm feature.
 Also I can find what ignite version you use. Would you try to switch to the 
latest one?

On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 2:48 PM, Lucky <> wrote:

Andrey Mashenkov
    Thank you very much!
    1.query parallelism:this will cause a problem: fetch wrong reslut. 
       I set it to 10,and have table a with 150,000 records, table b with 
12,000,000 records.
       when I query single table,the result is correct.
       but when the sql is like this:
           select from a inner join b on = b.tid 
      it got the wrong result. The result should be 11,000,000;but it just 
return 380,000 records.
      when I remove query parallelism setting,it return correctly. 

    2. I have modified ths property,and restart the server.for the record is 
too large, it need 4 hours to load data to ignite.So I have to wait.
    3.Actually, if I remove the group by clause and having condition, it took 
more time!
    4  and 5: I have try them before ,but it did not work.
Thanks again.

At 2017-09-21 21:28:40, "Andrey Mashenkov" <> wrote:


1. Looks like it make no sense to set query parallelism level higher number of 
available CPU on node.

2. Map query use index for field FASSIGCUID type of String and seems values are 
16 chars length strings (32 bytes)
By default, values with size < 10 bytes can be inlined in index, so Ignite 
doesn't need to lookup a data page for value data. 
You can try to increase it up to 32 via 
cacheConfiguration.setSqlIndexMaxInlineSize(32) or JVM property 

3. Ignite doesn't know whether your data is collocated by FDATABASEDID (group 
by clause) or not collocated.
So, Ignite can't apply HAVING condition instantly on map phase and have to load 
and merge all groups from all nodes before check for HAVING.
If it possible to collocate data on GROUP BY condition, you can hint Ignite 
with setting query flag:   sqlFieldsQuery.setCollocated(true).
However, I'm not sure it will help much and H2 will be able to make any 
optimization here.

4. Also, you can force Ignite to use different index. E.g. group index on 
FDATABASEDID and FASSIGCUID and same fields in different order.

5. Sometimes, Ignite change join order and it can cause unexcpected slowdown. 
You can try to change join order by changing tables positions in query string.
To preserve Ignite join order optimization you may use a flag:  

Hope, this will help you.


Best regards,
Andrey V. Mashenkov

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