
The problem is Ignite cannot find your configuration file.

Ignite tries these 3 steps to find configuration file:

   1. Try to resolve it as a URI
   2. If previous step fails, try to resolve it as $IGNITE_HOME + <the path
   you specified>
   3. If previous step fails, try to resolve it in CLASSPATH.

Thus, you have multiple options to specify config path:

   1. Specify an absolute path
   2. Pass the config path as a command line parameter
   3. Create your path relative to $IGNITE_HOME
   4. If you use maven or gradle java plugin, then you can create file
   under "resources/path-to-ignite-config.xml". On the "process resources"
   phase maven will copy it under target/classes/path-to-ignite-config.xml"
   and then it will go into JAR. Your app will find it by
   "path-to-ignite-config.xml" since it will be in CLASSPATH.

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