I have setup and started ignite 2.1 on four spark slave nodes and one spark
master node. On the Master node default-config.xml file, the "clientMode" =
"true is set but it is not set on the four Spark slave nodes'
default-config.xml. The static Ips of all 5 nodes are listed on the config
files as shown below. When the ignite.sh is started, it detects 4 Servers
and 1 Client as expected.

However, when i run the spark-submit command, it says that : IP finder
returned empty addresses list. Please check IP finder configuration and
make sure multicast works on your network. Will retry every 2 secs.

I have tried different things but nothing worked so far. Could it be
finding default-config.xml from another location than the default location?

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans";




    <bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">

        <property name="peerClassLoadingEnabled" value="true"/>

        <property name="discoverySpi">

            <bean class=

                <property name="ipFinder">

                    <bean class=

                        <property name="multicastGroup" value=

                        <property name="addresses">















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