
It seems that an issue was filed about the problem you are seeing:


I can see that there's already work underway to fix is.


Ilya Kasnacheev

2018-01-23 4:53 GMT+03:00 Lucky <wanxing...@163.com>:

> Sorry, the fid is not UUID in tmpCompanyCuBaseDataCache , but the other
> are UUID.
> The error is not happened only in this cache, the other are the same.
> I found when I delete a single record ,it's nomal .But If I delete many
> records in a SQL,it will get the wrong.
> Thanks.
> At 2018-01-23 09:38:18, "Lucky" <wanxing...@163.com> wrote:
> I put the entry like this:
>  cache.put(entry.getFID(),entry);
> The fid is a UUID, is only.
> I'm very sure that the data in the cache is no problem.
> All value is correct,and look like the other record.
>  sql="delete from \"tmpCompanyCuBaseDataCache\".TmpCompanyCuBaseData
> where fid='1516093156643-53-33' ";
>  sql="delete from \"tmpCompanyCuBaseDataCache\".TmpCompanyCuBaseData
> where _key='1516093156643-53-33' ";
>  It can both execute correctly.
>  Then I execute "delete from \"tmpCompanyCuBaseDataCache\".
> TmpCompanyCuBaseData" again, It got the same error, the key had changed
> to another one.
> And When I delete this record ,execute again ,it's the same......
> Thanks.
> Lucky.

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