    I load data from database with node. The other node don't 
load data. This you can see it from default-config_60.xml and 
default-config.xml file.
    I have provide files all about this .
    Thank you.

At 2018-03-06 16:53:49, "Stanislav Lukyanov" <stanlukya...@gmail.com> wrote:



As Alex said before, from the log you’ve provided it’s hard to say much but 
what’s in this message:


[09:06:26,657][WARNING][main][TcpDiscoverySpi] Node has not been connected to 
topology and will repeat join process. Check remote nodes logs for possible 
error messages. Note that large topology may require significant time to start. 
Increase 'TcpDiscoverySpi.networkTimeout' configuration property if getting 
this message on the starting nodes [networkTimeout=5000]



Can you provide other log files and share more details about what specifically 
you’re doing?

If the issue is reproducible in different environments, it would be helpful if 
you could share a reproducer project on GitHub.





Attachment: ignite_Error_log.rar
Description: Binary data

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