Hi ,

I am quite new to Ignite and was trying out different features. One of the
features I was trying out was the read-through feature for cache . I am
using ignite version 2.5 on local standalone mode. I am using third party
persistence for data storage. For me mysql is the persistent storage and am
connecting the same to ignite cache using binaryobject store.  

I was able to load create and load data in cache from mysql and also query
the cache using sql. For this I have overridden the loadcache method and did
my custom implementation. 

I was able to load cache with data from mysql and also query the cache using
sql joins.

I have two tables in mysql
id int
name varchar(10)
age   int
city_id int

id int
cityname varchar(50)

So the challenge I am facing is before querying from the cache i had to load
all data to cache from mysql using a cache.loadcache() call. So if I dont do
that query doesnt return anyting and that I have understood  by studying
different forum.

I was interested in a feature where if say there is a scenario whereby there
are 5 records in "Person" with city_id ranging from 1-5 and four records in
City  with id ranging from 1-4 and do a join it should read from the cache
if there is a record in city cache for city table with id=5 if it is not
there then will got mysql and check in city city table for record with id=5

If the same is found will be retrieved and loaded to cache and then the join
query will be executed on it .

To make it more simple lets say we have 4 records loaded in cache for city
table and now one more record has been added to mysql and if i query with
id=5 on city cache it will first look for the same in cache if not found
then will  got to mysql . if record is present it will fetch the same and
put it in cache and also execute the query on cache.

I have seen this with key value pair . But am interested to know if there is
a way of achieving this automatic read through for sql query on cache using
any combination possible.

Thanks in advance

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