Hi all,

Can you please clarify the following possibilities in Ignite?
1. Insert multiple entries in cache KV store then is it possible to retrieve
selected rows based on the particular column using a SQL query on the same
KV store cache? (i.e, insert using kv operation but read using sql query)

2. If i want to retrieve all the entries matching one single column(which is
not the key), then we should use SCAN operation or 
its better to create another cache with that single column as key and
perform HGETALL on that separate cache? Assuming memory availability is not
an issue what is the performance impact on this methods?

3. In a Ignite cluster, if one node goes down, how much time it takes to
rebalance the entries amond remaining nodes? Is there any CLI to validate if
indeed the entries rebalance is over or not? as a client not will it get
events indication like - that one of node in cluster is down/ rebalance
started / rebalance done etc?

4. Is it possible to use compute functionality in Ignite to insert a single
entry into multiple cache asynchronously ? Say insert "key1, {val1, val2}"
is the record, i want this element to be inserted in cache1 with key1 as key
for that row and also insert the same in to another 'cache2' with 'val1' as
key. Idea is to call one insert request from client to ignite server cluster
but it should result in multiple insertion to multiple tables based on say a
custom compute functionality in server?

Please clarify.


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