Thanks Pavel :)

Sent from my iPhone

On 8/03/2019, at 9:47 PM, Pavel Tupitsyn <> wrote:

>  - Is this a capability defined in the Java client but not yet available
in the C# client?
There is no such API in Java AFAIK

>  - If not, is the standard practice to include the argument into the
compute func state that is sent to the node to execute it?


On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 11:19 PM Raymond Wilson <>

> I have a current workflow where I use ICompute.Apply() and
> ICompute.BroadCast to execute a compute function with an argument and
> return a response. In the former I want any one of a number of nodes in the
> projection to execute the compute func, in the latter I want all the nodes
> to execute the compute func.
> I have a new workflow where I want to execute a compute func with an
> argument on a node based on an affinity key.
> ICompute defines AffinityCall() which takes a cache name, an affinity key
> relevant to the cache, and a compute func, then returns a result. However,
> unlike Apply and Broadcast it does not accept an argument parameter.
> Looking through the ICompute interface it seems that there is no similar
> method available that does take an argument.
> Two questions:
> - Is this a capability defined in the Java client but not yet available in
> the C# client?
> - If not, is the standard practice to include the argument into the
> compute func state that is sent to the node to execute it?
> Thanks,
> Raymond.

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