
It's hard to say what happens here. What timeout settings do you have? Can
you provide complete log from client node as well?

Ilya Kasnacheev

вт, 8 окт. 2019 г. в 19:25, maheshkr76private <maheshk...@gmail.com>:

> Hello Ilya
> Once connection goes bad between client and server, which configuration
> parameter on the thick client-side would force stop the thick client from
> pinging server...
> Tried join timeout, connection timeouts, in communicaiton and discovery
> spis
> and nothing ever worked.
> Have seen in a few scenarios, a think client never stops pinging the server
> if the network connection went bad for any reason. Continuously see these
> pings on server and the entire cluster slows down.
> [06:20:16,203][INFO][grid-nio-worker-tcp-comm-7-#47][TcpCommunicationSpi]
> Accepted incoming communication connection [locAddr=/,
> rmtAddr=/]
> [06:20:16,203][INFO][grid-nio-worker-tcp-comm-7-#47][TcpCommunicationSpi]
> Received incoming connection from remote node while connecting to this
> node,
> rejecting [locNode=527c8173-b079-459a-8bb5-260f62d47797, locNodeOrder=1,
> rmtNode=a89f3605-fe0b-4abf-8d98-245d75205743, rmtNodeOrder=587]
> [06:20:16,405][INFO][grid-nio-worker-tcp-comm-0-#40][TcpCommunicationSpi]
> Accepted incoming communication connection [locAddr=/,
> rmtAddr=/]
> [06:20:16,405][INFO][grid-nio-worker-tcp-comm-0-#40][TcpCommunicationSpi]
> Received incoming connection from remote node while connecting to this
> node,
> rejecting [locNode=527c8173-b079-459a-8bb5-260f62d47797, locNodeOrder=1,
> rmtNode=a89f3605-fe0b-4abf-8d98-245d75205743, rmtNodeOrder=587]
> [06:20:16,607][INFO][grid-nio-worker-tcp-comm-1-#41][TcpCommunicationSpi]
> Accepted incoming communication connection [locAddr=/,
> rmtAddr=/]
> [06:20:16,607][INFO][grid-nio-worker-tcp-comm-1-#41][TcpCommunicationSpi]
> Received incoming connection from remote node while connecting to this
> node,
> rejecting [locNode=527c8173-b079-459a-8bb5-260f62d47797, locNodeOrder=1,
> rmtNode=a89f3605-fe0b-4abf-8d98-245d75205743, rmtNodeOrder=587]
> This issue was reported here.
> http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/Ignite-2-7-0-thick-client-has-all-system-threads-busy-indefinitely-td28880.html#a29018
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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