Please try to capture head dumps that will show where is the leak. Share
the dumps with us if the leak is not caused by the application code.


On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 11:59 PM mvkarp <> wrote:

> Hi team, any update/clarification on this? It is quite critical bug in
> production environment as it is taking 100% CPU usage and leads to OOM /
> crashes.
> As more information, this is also affecting the ignite server JVMs causing
> them to crash, and it seems to be assigning a mvcc coordinator node
> regardless of not having a single TRANSACTIONAL_SNAPSHOT atomicity cache.
> If MVCC is disabled, should there be no MVCC coordinator node in the first
> place? Nor should there be anything being populated in the Mvcc classes
> (otherwise they never get processed and this leads to a memory leak).
> Furthermore, is there a way to disable MVCC completely?
> --
> Sent from:

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