
Web Console requires ignite-rest-http module to be enabled. It is not
enabled by default in Ignite binaries nor Docker image.
The steps that you've taken are done while the container is running - so,
AFTER the Ignite process has started. That's why copying the module has no

Try setting env variable OPTION_LIBS=ignite-rest-http for your Docker
image. It will tell the script running in the image to copy the module
before starting Ignite process.


On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 12:35 AM jrobison-sb <jrobi...@springbuk.com> wrote:

> We're attempting to run Apache Ignite as a standalone application, not
> bundled into our own custom application or anything. We're running it using
> the apacheignite/ignite:2.7.6 docker image.
> We're trying to use the ignite-web-agent, but when we start the agent via
> `./apache-ignite/libs/ignite-web-agent-2.7.0/ignite-web-agent.sh`, it fails
> saying:
> ```
> [2019-11-04 19:51:15,698][WARN ][pool-1-thread-1][RestExecutor] Failed
> connect to cluster. Please ensure that nodes have [ignite-rest-http] module
> in classpath (was copied from libs/optional to libs folder).
> ```
> Can anybody tell me what we're doing wrong?
> Steps we're taking:
> 1. Run the apacheignite/ignite:2.7.6 docker image. The following steps then
> happen inside that container.
> 2. Unzip ignite-web-agent-2.7.0.zip into apache-ignite/libs
> 3. mv apache-ignite/libs/optional/ignite-rest-http apache-ignite/libs/
> 4. Set up apache-ignite/libs/ignite-web-agent-2.7.0/default.properties with
> the necessary server-uri and token
> 5. Run ./apache-ignite/libs/ignite-web-agent-2.7.0/ignite-web-agent.sh and
> get the above error saying that ignite-rest-http isn't in the classpath.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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