We are trying to ...

  1.  Use the G1 garbage collector for smaller stop-the-world GC pauses.
  2.  Obtain verbose logs from Ignite for troubleshooting purposes

We have tried setting IGNITE_JVM_OPTS="-DIGNITE_QUIET=false -XX:+UseG1GC", but 
the JVM options are not taking effect on the Server nodes.

Please help.

Rgds, Manoj

Manoj Seshan - Senior Architect
Platform Content Technology, Bangalore
Voice: +91-98806 72987  +91-80-67492572

From: Seshan, Manoj N. (TR Tech, Content & Ops)
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2019 11:45 PM
To: user@ignite.apache.org
Subject: Ignite YARN deployment - how to use TCP IP Discovery?

We are using Ignite as a Distributed In-Memory cache, deployed using YARN on a 
Hadoop Cluster.  We have configured Zookeeper Discovery, and this is working 

Given this is a small 20 node Ignite cluster, Zookeeper Discovery seems 
overkill. Would it be possible to switch to TCP Discovery? Multicast Finding is 
not an option, as that is disabled. Static IP Finding would also not work, as 
the Ignite Containers are dynamically allocated by YARN to arbitrary nodes of 
the Hadoop Cluster.


Manoj Seshan - Senior Architect
Platform Content Technology, Bangalore
Voice: +91-98806 72987  +91-80-67492572

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